Mission: Workforce Alliance offers a solution to the critical workforce shortage by connecting businesses and Transitioning Service Members (TSMs).

Aging & declining workforce

Wisconsin faces a shortage of about 140,000 workers, because there simply are not enough people to fill open positions. We’ve seen a gradual increase in the median age of Wisconsinites from 38.5 years in 2010 to 40.7 years in 2020. Shifts in cultural norms, the pursuit of higher education and careers have many having fewer children, contributing to declining birth rates. Outmigration is happening particularly among younger individuals seeking job opportunities outside the state.

Highly skilled candidates

Wisconsin faces a shortage of about 140,000 workers, because there simply are not enough people to fill open positions. We’ve seen a gradual increase in the median age of Wisconsinites from 38.5 years in 2010 to 40.7 years in 2020. Shifts in cultural norms, the pursuit of higher education and careers have many having fewer children, contributing to declining birth rates. Outmigration is happening particularly among younger individuals seeking job opportunities outside the state.

Business Uncertainty

Wisconsin faces a shortage of about 140,000 workers, because there simply are not enough people to fill open positions. We’ve seen a gradual increase in the median age of Wisconsinites from 38.5 years in 2010 to 40.7 years in 2020. Shifts in cultural norms, the pursuit of higher education and careers have many having fewer children, contributing to declining birth rates. Outmigration is happening particularly among younger individuals seeking job opportunities outside the state.

Transitioned service member grinding metal with safety face shield

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